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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lets Catch Up!

Wow it has truly ben toooo long! We must catch up my lovies!

Let's see.... Since my last post..Big inhale ladies....I have had a baby, finished college, moved into a much large space, been on several unsuccessful job interviews, learned that life is more than fashion, shopping, money, gossip and blogs and most importantly I have found brace yourself....exhale ladies... MYSELF...

Now granted I am still rather young...technically a good ole' sprang chicken as my southern grannies would say! But I must say that a lot has been learned and you will def see that as my blog changes juuussssttt a smidgett!!

I still lloooooove fashion, and live for red bottom shoes, but ladies I am much more conscious of this "great big ole' world around me" and I long to be a staple in it's change for he better. With that said I will still talk about all things fab, and PINk!, but I will also talk about important things that need mentioning....My dausghter reaching certain milestones annnnddd *eye's looking up, pointer finger on chin*stuff like Snooki's weight loss....J/P....Smile and happy bloggin'