Brooke- Danielle was born Feb 25, 2011 @ 2:33am, she has been a gift to two very confused, excited...did I say confused....parents. She keeps us on our toes at the weeeeee hours of the morning and that precious little one has us wrapped around her fingers soooooooo tightly*especially daddy!* that we both cannot imagine exactly what we were doing before she came along. While we both already had goals that we wanted to reach, she alone @ 8lbs 11.5 ounces, after TWO DAYS IN LABOR, NO MEDS, on 2-25-11 gave our goals new meaning! Everything that we do is for her and I nEvEr in a million years thought that my little bugger would mean so much to me but she does and EVERYTHING that I must endure and sacrifice from 2-25-11 on, is worth it.
If you do not have a kid I am certain you do not understand and you have probably moved on to the next post by now...oooorrr you are rolling your eyes as you read, but trust me some
day you will understand and it is FANTASTIC diva!

Public Service Announcement and TMI: While I do love my little one more than anything...even red bottom heels...I must say that divas Brooke is enough for now so with my Mirena Birth control in place for five years I salute all of the home makers, and bearers of multiple children...hunni that is not ME! Dueces!!
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