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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Breakin' the Rulezzzz...
XOxoXO From: Ashley Nicole at 19:33 0 comments
Labels: Body Madness, Fashion 2 die 4, Junk in the trunk, Just call me recessionista
Monday, September 19, 2011
Did he jussss........
Okay, I am a self proclaimed girly girl to the fullest. I have never really been into sports, sweating or anything recreational. Just the thought of seaty gym socks, jogging, sweating and wearing non- sneakers fashionable sneakers gives me hives. I will openly admit now that in middle school I was so against "dressing out" for gym and participitaing in things that would make me smell like a gym locker in my next class that I actually failed gym...Yea you read it correctly...I FAILED GYM! I actually had to spend the following summer in "summer school" for gym, and guess what!!??!!...I was not the only one!
I even played softball as a kid. My parents pretended that that I was pretty good and a assest to the team, but I was no dummy I knew the truth, I sucked and would never play another sport after that douting season of softbal ended.
While I hate sports, espcially participating in them...I LOVE watching BOXING and I am a Floyd Mayweather HATER! Yep..I said it, but this last fight was awesome! Usually we must endure all the rounds of the fight and anxiously wait while the judges tally up the scores, but over the weekend the world actually got to se a stone cold knock out and it was AWESOME!
XOxoXO From: Ashley Nicole at 12:57 0 comments
Labels: randomness
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Hair Update...
Yes! Divas, I am still a natural beauty. As I have mentioned before *just in case some of you doubted me* I will never go back to a relaxer. Although life as a mom has distorted my usual hair routine, I still know that my hair is much healthier than it was when I was addicted to the hair crack back in the day. This coming October I will have officially been natural for a total of eight years and I do not regret it one bit.
Today, my newly revised routine has consisted of a wash once a week and protective styles*SOMETIMES* wink..wink.. Pictures coming soon!!
Stay Tuned...
XOxoXO From: Ashley Nicole at 16:21 0 comments
Labels: hair crack is wack
Baby Brooke's Debut!

XOxoXO From: Ashley Nicole at 14:11 0 comments
Labels: Baby Brooke
Lets Catch Up!
Wow it has truly ben toooo long! We must catch up my lovies!
Let's see.... Since my last post..Big inhale ladies....I have had a baby, finished college, moved into a much large space, been on several unsuccessful job interviews, learned that life is more than fashion, shopping, money, gossip and blogs and most importantly I have found brace yourself....exhale ladies... MYSELF...
Now granted I am still rather young...technically a good ole' sprang chicken as my southern grannies would say! But I must say that a lot has been learned and you will def see that as my blog changes juuussssttt a smidgett!!
I still lloooooove fashion, and live for red bottom shoes, but ladies I am much more conscious of this "great big ole' world around me" and I long to be a staple in it's change for he better. With that said I will still talk about all things fab, and PINk!, but I will also talk about important things that need mentioning....My dausghter reaching certain milestones annnnddd *eye's looking up, pointer finger on chin*stuff like Snooki's weight loss....J/P....Smile and happy bloggin'
XOxoXO From: Ashley Nicole at 13:58 0 comments
Labels: Baby Brooke
Monday, June 7, 2010
Barbzzzzzz Land!!
Oh gosh, I just love this woman!
Is it me or does it seem like she is in her own little world full of happy thoughts, mutilated barbie dolls, ompa loompas, pink, and diamonds?...Auhh what it must feel like.
P.S. The shoes r sooo her! LOL
XOxoXO From: Ashley Nicole at 14:29 0 comments
Labels: Fashion Dominatrix
Breezy's New Beau...
..But N E Whooo
we live and we learn!
I just pray that we dont have any repeats, if you know what I mean
*side eye and neck roll*

XOxoXO From: Ashley Nicole at 14:20 0 comments
Labels: A little gossip won't hurt
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Jealous Much???...
I hate her hair, because I want is oh so badly.
Ya'll, when my hair becomes this massive, you itches all over the land will hate me..I will def be that ish in your local movie theater blocking your view of the dialog on the big screen...You know the one make sure my hair is centered smack dead in the way of you seeing your favorite artist concert...or how about I will be the itch that hit you in the face with it as I walk by you in your faviorite nightclub??? Auhh the glory....A true crown of glory...this my dollfaces is the ultimate, undeniable goal...stay tuned!!
XOxoXO From: Ashley Nicole at 15:05 0 comments
Labels: hair crack is wack
Nuff Said....
I totally L.O.V.E the Williams sisters, especially when it comes down to beating butt on the tennis courts, but lets be honest, the sisters...especially this one is NOT fashionably inclined and this photo is a prime example....2 tight and just not right! But on a positive note the hair color and that beautiful skin tone are GORGE HUNNI!!!
P.S. Common...Common...Common...umph..umph..umph...
*he is so fine ya'll*

XOxoXO From: Ashley Nicole at 14:45 0 comments
Labels: Not so Haute'