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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fist Full Of Tears!

When I went away to college I had never met a Haitian but a friend of mine from South Florida informed me that most Haitians where she was from tried to hide the fact that they were Haitian in hopes of avoiding mistreatment. I never understood such negative indentations associated with this group of people but my friend stood firm in her belief that they in some way was less than the rest of the African descended population and they had lots to be ashamed of.

After the latest disaster in Haiti, my mother began to do lots of research on the nation and she brought to my attention that unlike most Black nations Haitians have a rich heritage if people would take the time to get to know it. I decided to go against all of the horrible things that I had heard about them in the past and research there history for myself. They truly have a lot to be proud of! There heritage is the reason many of them have such Haitian pride, they wear there beautiful flags and truly love one another.

One of the things that many African Americans don't realize is that we do not have a really strong history to connect with. We were ripped away from that during the slave trade. Most of our history is based on what we read in textbooks and fractured stories that we heard in school. My hear cries out for the multitudes of African Americans who don't know where Haiti is on a map, or those who have not been touched by such a horrific ordeal. I cry out for those who look at these people and see animals, or feel no remorse for them. I am sad for you. This effects us all and can be fixed by us all, but many of us are to selfish to see that!

I have decided that not only will I help financially, I will continue to do so once the media moves on to there next big story. Currently there are many helpers in there nation, but after the dust settles I want to ensure that I continue to do something ad never forget. This will take many years to prepare and I pray that you remember as well!